Randy Caranci - Owner/Founder

e-bike of Colorado opened with just Randy himself in 2017. While small at the time, the shop would quickly grow into one of the largest electric bike dealers in the state. Randy has had a passion for business adventures his whole life, and truly loves bringing the joy that e-bikes provide to everyone. You can find him around the shop most days, always encouraging everyone to "Just Try It"

Nick Caranci - Director of Operations

  • Pete Castiglione

  • Perry Fletcher

  • Sarah Szymanski

  • Cameron Shirk

  • Kevin Barry

    Known as Barry

  • Lucas Melgaard

  • Nathan Diener

  • Jackson Zhang

  • Christine Worthington

  • Ivo Vargas

  • Mike Garver

  • Chase Brown

  • Ron Yeager - AKA Captain Ron

  • Bruce Mastriona

  • Marty O'Connor